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The Spirit of the Gift


I have lived my last years as much as I can in "the spirit of the gift" ... I give freely my time and gifts (whether it be my poetry books, different workshops, massages, treatments, English classes online, courses etc.) and invite the recipients to “pay” not for what I have given to them and what they have directly received, but to “gift” their donation with the intention that it is to support me to continue to be able to do what I love and came here to gift to others.


The School of The Five Elements is a living example of what magical fruits living from the gift can produce. Through trusting that what I give will always be returned, life itself led me to the creation and birth of this school. The finding of the physical home for the school was truly a gift from life and a series of unfolding events that were able to come to fruit through surrendering to whatever experiences life was bringing to me. I have found that living in the spirit of the gift allows more easily for this surrender and openness to be found. 


The School of The Five Elements continues to offer all of its classes, events, retreats and courses (including my acupressure therapy treatments and online coaching) in this spirit. Participants are invited to give not for what they have received but in order to support the school to continue its work and service to the community. 


Essentially this means that all offerings are given on a “pay as you feel” or “donation” basis. All contributions are directly re-invested back in supporting the school to grow and expand. By giving offerings in this spirit, I choose to trust the generosity of the community to support the school in a way that feels fair, and honest, and that respects their financial means so that all can access what we are doing. 


I dream of a world where we move out of the mindset of “paying” for a product, and into the spirit of the gift, trusting that if we give freely from our hearts and with the pure intention to serve and help others, life will support us in return with all we will need. 


If you would like to read the fundraiser for the school and support what we are doing, follow the link below:


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